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Navigating the Holidays while AIP

When I first started healing my gut in early October, I had high expectations for myself, thinking I would be able to reintroduce eggs, nuts and nightshades by Thanksgiving so that by Christmas, my gut would be ready to take whatever I threw at it.

Ha! Joke was on me. Much to my dismay, my gut was not ready (and was not shy about telling me!) to reintroduce any foods prior to Thanksgiving. As it turns out I am still going to be doing A LOT of gut healing heading into the holidays. To be completely honest, that is okay with me. Am I going to eat perfectly? Likely not, but that is okay too… It is all part of the journey!

Since preparation is key, are my top 5 tips for staying AIP compliant through the holidays:

1. Prepare and bring your own food to the party.

Here is one of my favorite sweet potato recipes from Stupideasypaleo!

2. Always be prepared to have emergency food just in case.

I know it seems crazy to carry around snacks when you’re going to a party, but in case you get stuck in a bind, it is always helpful to have an extra protein and fat source on hand that will help keep you full for the afternoon or evening. Some of my favorite last-minute grabs are EPIC pork bites, an apple, an on-the-go Trader Joe’s packet of olives or bag of Inka plantain chips with ghee.

3. Make your holiday drink a kombucha mocktail.

Mix 1 cup of your favorite kombucha brand (mine is Denver’s local Trubucha Cranberry & Ginger) with your choice of sparkling water and a lime!

4. Offer to host the family gathering.

Sure, it’s more work, but hosting means you’re in charge of the menu and can pick foods that are delicious for everyone and keep you feeling healthy.

5. Prepare your own AIP-friendly version of dessert.

Dessert might be the hardest thing for me to turn down during the holidays because my family makes some of the best sweets I have EVER tasted. The good news is there are many delicious recipes that will help you stay compliant while treating yourself!

Check out Grassfedsalsa’s Salted Caramel Apple Parfait!

As I said before, AIP is a journey. Even if you don’t eat perfectly this holiday, do me a favor and don’t beat yourself up about it! Instead, be mindful and take note of how you feel and the reactions that your body is experiencing. Negative self-talk or treatment can be just as hard on your body as eating something that might set back your digestive system. Try these 5 tips and enjoy your holiday time with your family and friends, and most of all, don’t forget to remember the Reason for the Season!